2015 Checklist by Terell Green
January 1st, 2015, Midnight: While many across the globe, partied 2015 in with true style, I sat on my couch, remote in hand, and prepping for bed. Sounds boring, unbelievable and plain ole’ sad coming from the boy who spent previous NYEs, smashing back six packs, throwing back shots of well liquor and roaming the bars until I found what I liked, then me, my booze, my prize for the night and my 20s would climb into a taxi, go home and have the time of my life! Or so I thought…repeating that cycle NYE after NYE, made for a repetitive new year. But this YEAR, I celebrated my best, right here on my couch, remote in hand. I attended the biggest party, I had ever been invited to, this party, my life. This year I plan to celebrate my life by taking in each moment, taking optimum care of my vessel and being and as an actor friend says, “breathing on schedule”.
This is my first year I plan to live alcohol free, I am already 5 months into this journey. It has not been easy, however, it has been so spiritual that I almost don’t recognize myself. For my soul shook my body and said take care of yourself. People told me I had a problem, but I didn’t drink everyday so there was no wayyyyyy I was an alcoholic. But addiction isn’t just about doing something everyday. It’s about doing something those time when you feel you can’t do for yourself. It is about doing something (ie drinking, eating, shopping, etc.) because you feel it gives you power or comfort beyond what you can give yourself (the power to relax, the power to feel confident etc.) But the night I had my last drink I was able to see just how powerless my addictions made me, my soul left my body and shook it. All my fears, insecurities and intoxicants has blurred my soul (my greatest protector), it had disrupted the harmonious and natural conversation between my soul and personality. I was selfish and only cared about me, my prizes and my booze. But today, I write this a little more powerful because when you want to grow, the support is all around you.
This year I am living a healthy and guilt free life. Everyday, I wake up and I do 8 minutes of Tai Chi (for mental balance), 10 minutes of Qigong (chines Yoga to send oxygen to my entire body) and 5 minutes of mediation (for connection to self); but most importantly, everyday I remind myself that I am my biggest accomplishment. The healthier I am, the more I can do and thus I am more. So this year I challenge you to celebrate yourself all year long, make no resolutions and don’t give or take any advice this year but listen to your soul. Oprah Winfrey always ask people what they know for sure, I ponder this daily and I always come to the same, resounding conclusion: God is always calling, that’s the only alarm clock you need and lastly if someone wants the power, CHILE let them have it! I believe true power is never fought for, it is just shown and often gained. So love yourself, know that you are light and the darkness is after your light, but the brighter you shine, the less space there is for darkness!
My 2015 Checklist:
Water ( drink more than you think you need)
25 minutes of mediation, spread out through 5 minute intervals throughout the day.
10 minutes of stretching first thing in the morning
2 cups of mint, jasmine or lemon tea with honey
Intention (everyday have checklist)
Blessings in the ’15,
Terrell Green

What’s your checklist for 2015? Share in a comment below.
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