Energy Clearing Through Baths by Asha Jackson


Since starting my own spiritual journey a few years ago, baths have come to play a major role. As a believer in energy, it has become a habitual practice of mine to clear, purify and uplift my personal energy and space. But regardless of what I do before and during my day, that balance can be difficult to maintain while interacting with other people and being in environments where the energy may be at a lower vibration or just plain negative.

Taking a bath not only feels good physically: relaxes and heats tired muscles, moisturizes skin, opens pores etc. But depending on your intention and what products are used in the bath; it can also bring energetic/metaphysical/spiritual healing as well.

The most basic ingredient for spiritual cleansing in a bath is salt! Not epsom salt or table salt but quality dead sea salts or Himalayan pink salts (my personal fave!). Dead sea and Himalayan salts both come from ancient sea beds, keeping them safe from environmental pollution. They both also have high mineral contents which aid in holistic healing for mind, body and spirit. The pink salt is also multi purpose and has brought me healing through various forms including lamps! To learn more about Himalayan pink salt check out this article

Scent also plays a huge role in what type of bath I take. I have been using pure essential oils in my bath for smell including:

Lavender – Relaxing, soothing, calming, sleep aid, improves blood circulation
Eucalyptus – Invigorating, respiratory healer, helps identify self healing
Rosemary – Mentally stimulating, stress reliever, respiratory healer
Ylang Ylang – Aphrodisiac, relaxing, lowers blood pressure, antidepressant
Jasmine – Aphrodisiac, relaxing, helps regulate menstrual cycles, anti depressant, sleep aid
Frankincense – Useful for visualization, gaining spiritual connection/clarity, overcoming stress/despair

When I want to achieve something even more specific, like heal a physical ailment, vigorously clear my energy bodies, just moisturize my skin or enhance my beauty through a bath, I use these ingredients.

Argan Oil – lightly moisturizes skin
Rose petals – Adds a natural beauty element to bath that adorns mind, body and spirit
Tea Tree Oil – Antiseptic, disinfectant, good for healing infections, drawing out cysts etc
Baking Soda – Great energetic palate cleanser when used with sea salt
Crystals – Some crystals are safe to use in water and will anoint the bath with whatever energies your chosen stone possesses. If it isn’t water safe, I keep mine close by and hold it while meditating.

Lastly, intention always raises the energetic frequency of the bath regardless of what you put into it. I make my bath time a ritual by adding candles to the bath room, playing soft music, lighting incense and burning sage. I also pass all of my bath ingredients through sage smoke before adding them to the water, to make sure they are free from any negative energies they may be holding. I do the same to myself so I am clear of any stress, worry or fear from the day I still may be lingering onto. I also clean my physical body with a shower before taking the bath, since I don’t want to be soaking in my own dirt!

Depending on my mood, I’ll read or write in the bath, give myself an oracle/card reading, watch or listen to holistic practitioners/life coaches or just simply meditate/breathe. It’s usually a combination of a few, but most baths last between 30 mins to 2 hours, or until I’m ready to get out. I also recommend having water close by, since the heat can make you thirsty!

If you’d like more information about spiritual baths, check out holistic practitioner, Nubia I’s video on YouTube


Asha aims to share love, understanding, and insight through her writing. On her own spiritual journey, writing allows her to share with the world and reaffirm OUR oneness with the universe. To read more, check out her blog at

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I definitely feel like baths are essential. I stopped taking bath so often because I was in a rush to do the next thing on my” to do” list but I am going to use blogs like this and indulging in me time!

sea salt vs table salt

And, combined with the various minerals and nutrients in Himalayan Crystal salt, you’ll find calcium: a mineral which fortifies as well as whitens your teeth.
If the spot that’s affected is rather small, mold remediation can likely
be performed by you. Mineral Sea Salts are proven to be effective
in maintaining the body’s chemical balance by providing it with a controlled volume of the four essential minerals keeping from illnesses that comes from
deficiencies of iodine, molybdenum, strontium and tungsten.


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