Treasuring Pleasure by Asha Jackson
I recently did an exercise that posed the question: What brings you pleasure? When I think of
pleasure, my mind automatically delves into the darker, more naughty realms of life including the
richness of triple layer chocolate cake and the happy endings that follow massages from a lover. All
of the things that aren’t good for me. Which was gonna be hard to list, considering the exercise was to
write down 100 things that bring me pleasure. Initially, I was daunted by thinking of 100 things. My
approach was very narrow minded and really only catered to things and experiences that stimulate my
senses, but as I ran out of those I had to delve a little deeper and take notice of the things that satisfy
my soul. For instance, having a really engaging and thought provoking conversation with someone or
the afterglow of strength, power and bliss that radiates from my body after doing an intense session of
hot yoga. Or comforting an infant, with a warm embrace. Or the blissful high I got running around and
attacking friends with water balloons in the dark. Or seeing the excitement kids get when they get to
see, reach for and pop bubbles. It’s the little things like that that made me easily reach 100 things. I
could’ve written more. But the surprising discovery at the end of it all, was that most of the pleasures
were easily attainable. Simple ingredients and little prep/cook time for a delicious recipe.
As a follow up exercise, I was asked to write down 5 things that prevent me from obtaining
pleasure on a daily basis. I wrote down: $$$, people, fear of outside criticism and my own capabilities
to manifest, lack of motivation, and time. Upon recognizing the mediocracy of my excuses for not
doing what I loved, I felt disappointed. I had allowed fear and outside forces to dictate my happiness.
Even though I now knew what was preventing me from experiencing pleasure often, I still had to do
more work to understand why. I recalled a TEDxTALK by award winning black female rocket scientist
Olympia LePoint, when she identified three steps to reprogram the brain to overcome fear.
STEP 1. Know what you want!
STEP 2. Name and reject your fear!
STEP 3. Reprogram brain with different thoughts
Writing down the 100 things that bring me pleasure helped me to realize what I want and need
to sustain happiness in my life. Likewise, writing down the things I thought prevented me from
obtaining this bliss, helped me to identify my fears and reject their validity. Lastly, I plan to infuse
positivity, simplicity, and regularity into incorporating the things I find pleasurable into my daily
routine. Instead of complaining about my lack of friends who won’t join me in trying out the new
restaurant I want to try, I will recognize what is really preventing me from going and enjoying that
meal. Me. I can take myself to eat!
In rejecting that fear and finding the confidence and fulfillment with dining with myself, I’ve
transformed a “could be” experience into a “do-able” experience. These exercises have been so helpful
in helping me navigate my fears and desires. Are you making excuses for not experiencing pleasure in
your daily life? Are you ready to address your fears and live without restraints? Why not try, these
exercises and let me know how they work for you!

Asha aims to share love, understanding, and insight through her writing. On her own spiritual journey, writing allows her to share with the world and reaffirm OUR oneness with the universe. To read more, check out her blog at http://ashestoasha.tumblr.
Another great post! Looking forward to reading so much more from you!