the 3 C’s of 2015: concentrate, conserve, capitalize
[an article of empowerment by Shady Sun]
i previously touched on the numerology of the year 2015 and its 8 [2+0+1+5
= 8] vibration over at my blog, Shady Sun. in hopes of making this energy
more accessible and efficient, i have devised a sensible system to help you
harness the limitless power of the number 8, which means you’ll also have to
assume its unyielding responsibility. want to make this year work for you…?
focus only on what matters. anything else is a waste of time. who are you,
where are you, and what are you doing there? remember, if it’s not
increasing your net worth, it’s not worth very much at all.
it doesn’t matter how much you have, saving some for later is always an
economic option. laying all your cards on the table is anticlimactic and
prodigal. practice the discipline of withholding. secure your survival by
building up your reserves, that way you will have something from which to
draw in times of drought. you’ve been here before, so prepare yourself to
maximize both the ebb and the flow.
you will be presented with opportunities for achievement. a moment is
nothing if not met, so organize your resources and endeavor to be profit-
oriented so that nothing is squandered. discern what’s valuable and put it out
there to be consumed by the ones who want it. adapt to fit the market and
expect to give just as much as you want to get. you’ve paid your dues, now
it’s time to make a move. whatever you do, be strategic about it. a little
advice: it’s only expensive if it’s not investment. no need to be preoccupied
by spending when you are mastering the craft of circulation.
use this system as a guide to empowering your existence for the remainder
of the year. make sure you subscribe to my blog and stay up to date with my
daily horoscopes. the #StarsAndSymbols are out there. what are you going
to do with them?
best intentions,
Swami is the occult conductor of shady sun, an organization whose intent is to shine a light on the shadow. by considering the cosmic influence of StarsAndSymbols on the collective unconscious, swami believes we transcend duality to achieve a fully integrated wholeness of being, and that our lives become fuller, healthier, and more authentic. swami says, “those of us who have reconnected with the brilliant patterns of nature are existential proof that enlightenment is the most empowering aspiration.

Thanks 4 the feature, my friend. Thanks 4 reading everybody. Let’s make 2015 BEST YEAR EVER!