Photography, Art History
Imani Lee is a photographer and Art History major at Howard University.
Where did you grow up and how does that influence your work?): I grew up around NY/NJ, my family moving from Brooklyn/Queens to Jersey. My father and his family came to America from Birmingham, England.
What inspired you to start?: I knew I wanted to be an artist of some sort from a young child, but I didn’t know what field I wanted to pursue so I experimented and ended up with a camera.

How did you get started? (tell us a little about your pursuit): I always knew I wanted to be an artist, but since a child I had been told by certain adults around me that it wasn’t possible. They said an “artist” wasn’t a career, it didn’t make any money and I couldn’t possibly live a stable life as one. (I even had a friend tell me I’d end up living in a box as a starving artist, needless to say we aren’t friends anymore, ha.) I was stunted by this for a couple years, then got my first camera and just kept with it. Starting in highschool I began training at Parsons New School of Design and SCAD in Savannah during the summers. I now study Art History and Photography at Howard University and I’ll probably attend MICA (or a similar institution) for graduate school in continue in the arts.
How long have you been doing this?: I got my first serious camera in middle school, so since 6th grade. Are there any artist that influence you and your work?: I don’t think there are any artists that influence my work per say, but I have some favorites artists that I draw some inspiration from such as (IG @ names): @XBOOOOM, @artbisue, @kilokash, @mrcheyl, @drunkbabyporsche, @jabarijacobs, & @iseesimone.
What do you hope to accomplish with it?: I want to continue polishing my craft, featuring in exhibits, and inspire others.
How do you hope to inspire black women and young girls?: Most of the women I shoot are African-American women with natural hair and distinct styles. They all have their own stories and personalities that can be seen through my photographers of them. I hope that other black women see them and embrace themselves. Embrace their hair, styles, and always remain comfortable in their own skin.
How do you stay motivated to move forward with your goals when life brings challenges?: I have trouble staying motivated on my own so I go through spurts of artistic writers block. There are certain people in my life that continue to motivate me, especially my boyfriend, Tyler Jenkins.
Do you have any upcoming projects ?: What can we expect from you next?: I have A LOT of film from 3 past projects that I need to process before I start something completely new. But I do have a new website in the works for my photography portfolio.
What are you in pursuit of?: I am in pursuit of happiness, success and comfortability within myself. I draw inspiration from artists around me enroute to similar goals and their growing success inspires me to keep pushing. A passion for art and growing in this lifetime keeps me going.
Any words of wisdom you want to leave us with?: Giving up is not an option.
Where can people can find you online?: @maniimuse on IG, @manimuse on Twitter, & mani-muse.tumblr.com. www.imanilee.space
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