Posted by admin under Pursuit of Knowledge, Pursuit of Nappiness, Pursuit of the Mind, Pursuit of the Soul & Spirit
20 Women: Advice for Women in their 20s
The biggest lesson of the many that I’ve learned in my 20’s was “who am I really?” We have been groomed & programmed to define ourselves in careers, degrees, hair, what the media depicts our race to be, relationships and material items, when that’s not even close. The answer is inside of God, he created you, your gifts, parents and even the land we live in… He is the best guide and “go-to” when you want to know who you are and why oh why we do the things we do! Where can you find him? In his word. When can you approach him? ANYTIME! You yes you are his prize piece..flaws and all. It’s all about you, get to know him and you will find you, I promise.
-Toya Thomas-Boudy
Chef and Spoken Word Artist
Age 31
New Orleans La
When I was in my 20′s I wished I was more adventurous with my life. Took more time to understand life as I knew it. I wished I had more positive people in my life to lead me but, my learning experiences was based on many mistakes that could’ve been avoided. I thank God for all and everything that He allows to happen in life.
-Faye lynn Anglin
Salon Owner/ Patient Care Provider
South Bend Indiana
Dear Twenty somethings: I’m not trying to burst your bubble but regardless of what you’ve achieved so far…you have not yet arrived! Learning is a lifelong process and you still have a long way to go. Get comfortable with not always knowing the answer, and be kind to yourself when you make mistakes. It happens to all of us. With that said, your twenties can be a very valuable time, both personally and professionally. Don’t waste them. Want financial security? Start saving and investing. Want to pursue an advanced degree? What are you waiting for? You can accomplish a lot in your twenties to improve your quality of life long-term. Think seriously about what you want in life, make a plan, and get started…TODAY! Don’t wait on life to happen…and don’t make excuses. Be the adult that you are. Be empowered. Make things happen!
– Stephanie Crosse
My advice “you don’t have to have it all together right now. You don’t have to have a family, be the president of a Fortune 500 company or be the deaconess at church right this second. You do have to be working and setting goals but the peak of life is not 25, contrary to most young women’s beliefs. Let life happen, and it won’t lead you astray.
-Tiera Cobey
Greensboro, NC
@Mszphibeast (Instagram)
Fear is a liar. Do things that terrify you, that force you to venture outside of your comfort zone. Comfort is the enemy of greatness. Travel the world, live abroad. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you to have a plan B. As soon as you develop a plan B you open the door to give up on your dreams. Love yourself, first. He’s not even worth the tears, the time or the energy. Don’t do things you don’t want to do. Make your happiness a priority. Let it go. Be yourself, everyone else is taken.
-Joi M. Sears
Creative Director | Free People International
Age: 29
City: New York/Amsterdam/Cincinnati
Twitter: @4FreePeople
Never compare. You are a perfect you at every moment.

-Bodhi Dez
Age: 29
Portland, ME
Live your life for you not what someone else has decided you should do. To often we live our lives to sastify the dreams someone else has for you and you wake up one day and you feel stuck and unfulfilled .. Travel the world while you are young and unattached.
-Nicole Williams
Sr. Diabetes Sales Specialist
Somerset, NJ
Peace and blessings, my young and beautiful sisters. I wanted to take this time to give you some advice about being a strong, powerful, feminine woman in this society. I believe that women are the ones who are going to put this world “right side up” again as Sojourner Truth stated. We can overcome all of the perils that await us by not taking the bait. How do we do this? By side stepping the BS, staying focused on our goals, and loving ourselves enough to not give ourselves or any part of ourselves to another unless we are truly ready to commit and build with that other. Always remember that our sensuality, sexuality, and adornment is for our own pleasure. If another person is feeling it, beautiful. If not, nothing disturbs our peace. Ashe.
-Nubia I
Founder and Director
That saying :”If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.” That is false. I believed this in my 20s and it almost caused me to miss out on the most beautiful relationship I’ve ever had. My husband is my best friend, my rock, my everything. I wish I knew that it’s ok to not be perfect. I wish I knew that 28 is not old! I picked up the violin at 24 and I felt like I was too old to learn an instrument at that time, so I put it down. I also picked up crocheting at 25, and put that down. Now that I’m 31, I realize what a big mistake that was. I’ve learned that it’s ok to be who you are. Don’t let your profession, sexuality, hobbies, define you, but rather you should let them shape you. You are more than just what you do or what you like. I’ve gained so much confidence in the last few years and I feel like my 30s will be much better than my 20s. I do miss my twenties sometimes, but only because I wish I had done things differently. But, my 20s were good to me. I went natural at 23, moved to Florida at 24, got married at 25 and started a business with my husband. Got my Masters degree at 28. Moved back to Chicago at 29. Enjoy life, no matter what age you are. Know that you can do all things. Trust yourself. Love yourself. Be good to yourself. Life is too short not to.
–Bianca Garrison-Quick
Los Angeles, CA by way of Chicago
Freelance Journalist, Search Engine Optimization Specialist, Internet Marketer, Independent Public Relations Practitioner and the CEO of Prodigy Public Relations, Inc.
Don’t get married in your 20s
Age 80
Love this!
I turned 25 this summer and all I could think was “I’m five years from 30 and I’m single and still at my parents” even my girlfriends who are a bit younger than I made me feel like my time was up. Although they were joking it still stung. Everything these women have said is speaking to me directly. I don’t have it all together but I am on a path somewhere. The not knowing where excites me. Seeing where I wanna be inspires me.
One piece of advice that I would share with a young lady in her 20’s would be do not be in a rush to get married, “LOVE YOURSELF”. Along with that do not give up who you are to be in a relationship.
Great advice!!